Tag Archives: Thailand

Thailand (Part 5) Caving in a Sea Canoe in Thailand with John Grays

Ever wanted to go caving, without the danger?  After I read about Annette’s caving/tubing in Belize, I have wanted to try something similar…  During my time in Thailand, we were recommended by my uncle and some other ex-pats that we should try the John Gray’s Sea Canoe trip.  This was the one trip that everyone […]

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Archipelago… Eating Insects and drinking Python Infused Absinthe!

Some time ago, I read about Archipelago in a blog about the Top 10 unusual restaurants in London… I checked out the website and knew immediately it had to be added to my gastronomic bucket list for the sheer WTF novelty value! I like to consider myself fairly adventurous, but the thought of eating scorpions, […]

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GUEST POST: Why You Might Not Want to Ride an Elephant, After All

Some time ago, Emma’s post on riding an elephant in Thailand popped up in my Google alerts. I posted a comment, and Emma and I began an exchange that lasted all afternoon and continued on email…  Then Emma very graciously asked if I would write a guest post. Elephants are much like humans Elephants are among […]

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Thailand (Part 2) The Big Buddha, Phuket

In my last post, I wrote about a review of South tip of Phuket including The Evason & Bon Island Hotel and The Green Man in Ruwai.  If you are staying in the southern coastal areas of Phuket, like Ruwai, Chalong, Kata or Karon, you will not be able to miss The Big Buddha, even […]

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Thailand (part 1)… Evason & Bon Island, Ruwai and the South tip of Phuket

Back in September we realised that my partner would almost certainly be away working for Christmas with the way his leave and rostering system works, so he decided to bid for a trip that we might both like to go on, rather than lose any sleep over it (it’s the airline industry-so it goes with […]

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New Year… Mindful New Beginning

I have recently got back from a trip to Thailand (which I have yet to finish posting about-as I managed to tick off several of my bucket list items including Riding an Elephant, visiting the Big Buddha in Phuket and seeing my Uncle’s Tudor English Country Pub for the first time). However, I wanted to […]

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3 – 2 – 1 – BUNGEEEEEEE!

Some of you might have noticed that bungee jumping wasn’t actually on my original bucket list, but on a recent trip to Phuket in Thailand (more post on this to follow shortly) I happened to see the words “Jungle Bungy Jump” written on a tourist map in the Kathu area.  I felt a sudden, massive […]

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The Bucket List

After deciding my new life approach, I got around to the hard part… Deciding what I actually wanted to put on MY list.  It’s very easy to put things on that you think you ‘should’ want to do, or things that other’s perceive as important, and why not I guess?  However, I wanted my list […]

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