Tag Archives: Life List

Spectacular Fuerzabruta!

I had somehow never heard of this show until I read about it on a blog I follow recently! I IMMEDIATELY added it to my bucket list! It looked positively mesmerising! She put spoiler alerts in, so I guess I should warn you that I’m detailing the full show too… But for me-this is what […]

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Archipelago… Eating Insects and drinking Python Infused Absinthe!

Some time ago, I read about Archipelago in a blog about the Top 10 unusual restaurants in London… I checked out the website and knew immediately it had to be added to my gastronomic bucket list for the sheer WTF novelty value! I like to consider myself fairly adventurous, but the thought of eating scorpions, […]

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Emma Learns to Fly a Helicopter!

Some years ago, we bought one of my Dads a helicopter flying lesson for his 60th birthday gift. He had a PPL for a fixed wing plane, and had always wanted to try it. He enjoyed it a great deal, though admitted afterwards that he preferred flying fixed wing to rotor. At the time, I’m […]

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1st (and LAST) visit to ‘V Festival’

Okay, so not all experiences on my bucket list live up to my expectations or are worth repeating, as this experience proved.  I had heard such great things about this festival, so I was looking forward to it in a major way.  V Festival run the festival simultaneously at two sites, Weston in Staffordshire (in […]

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Wing-Walking on a Boeing Stearman

I have always wanted to fly whilst standing on the wing of a plane, ever since I first saw Crunchie ‘wing-walking’ display team at air show years ago… Seeing the girls standing up there on the planes looking like they were loving every mad-minute of it, I was green with envy! it’s been high on […]

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Visit to The Valley of Fire, Nevada

We ended up missing our flight home from Las Vegas, but Virgin Atlantic were very good and allowed us to transfer our flights home for the next available flight. There was some sort of holiday weekend going on, so the next day’s flight was already fully booked, as were many of the hotels. In the […]

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Helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, and a night in a tipi at Grand Canyon Working Ranch

One of the things we wanted to do during our stay in Las Vegas was take a few days out to visit the Grand Canyon. We um-ed and ah-ed about whether to hire a car and drive down, or whether to take a helicopter tour, but I thought it would be awesome to fly through […]

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Las Vegas!

Well, I think everyone should visit Las Vegas once in their life… It’s never been a place that tops my personal list, but we had the opportunity of a holiday away from the kids in May of this year (3 months ago now), and decided to go somewhere that we couldn’t go with them normally. […]

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Disney Land Paris

Having visited Disney World in Orlando with my partner and daughter, whilst the boys were away with their father. I couldn’t allow the experience to escape my sons; and since we were lucky enough that my partner had been allocated a block of leave during the school Easter holidays, I took the opportunity to escape for […]

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Visiting Florida Part 2 – Disney World!

After our day out at Sea World, we got up bright and early and took our gigantic mini-van off to The Animal Kingdom.  My partner had done most of the research for this holiday as it was his treat, so I wasn’t aware that each kingdom was actually a separate theme park prior to going. […]

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Visiting Florida Part 1 – Sea World!

Soon after Dad passed away, my partner and I had a trip planned to Orlando Florida to visit Disney World with our little girl.  I remember thinking at the time, that I would rather go and lie on a beach and do nothing so that I could unwind after the events of the previous month, […]

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Emma’s Bucket List Event Achieved – Charity Sky Dive

Initially, I was very excited about the sky dive.  I wasn’t sure that the weather was good enough on the day, but the jump organisers (a nation-wide company called Skyline‘s website states that you must turn up on the morning or risk losing your money).  A friend of mine drove for hours to stay with me […]

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